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BitTorrent, Jobs’ Apple and Dying Technologies

28 Oct

Came across few nice articles today. Worth reading at least once. Huge information in all of them.

Quoting them below

BitTorrent’s Bram Cohen Isn’t Limited by Asperger’s

When I read it I couldn’t understand how it would be to think having the syndrome. BitTorrent has single handedly pushed the P2P architecture to grow exponentially


Being Steve Jobs’ Boss

John Sculley talking about how it was being Steve Jobs’ boss and reiterating the fact that Apple is not  brand without Steve Jobs being there to handle it, nurture it. It gives me immense pleasure everytime I read about Jobs. There are so many stories about him, some true, some not. Some untold and some secret. This article not only deals with the p.o.v of a CEO who himself quotes the job was much more suited for Jobs, but also deals with how the competition and other biggies in Japan like Sony was an inspiration for Jobs


Twenty Dying Technologies

Reading this was a pleasure, with WiTricity being my most favorite tech that would and should probably take over conventional electricity. As a child, 10 years old, I used to think we could have electricity that would travel not thru wires but wirelessly. I was never exposed to so much that could know that there were places where I could have gone to research

This set of 20 tech that would soon get extinct is a nice morning read for tech-enthusiasts

FACEBOOK Status trends of 2009

2 Jan

Facebook has come up with top 15 status trends of 2009 based on what people update in their statuses. Facebook calls it the study of ‘memes’, ideas that are in minds of people which they want to share.

Facebook says

To generate the list, we started by looking at how many times each phrase with length from one-to-four words occurred in U.S. Facebook status updates, then we computed the rate at which each phrase occurred in 2009 compared to 2008. Using some data-mining methods detailed here, we analyzed important bursts in activity around words and series of words to find the key trends for the year. All personally identifiable information was removed from the status updates to conduct this analysis, and no one at Facebook read the individual status updates.


The top 15 memes were as follows


For detailed explanation of all the 15 memes, click here


Facebook has done a great job by posting this whole analysis. This kind of data will be much helpful to a lot of marketers. Looking at the trends, and getting more deeper into the data may help the marketer to know what kind of communication messages need to be created.

Specific area/country wise data and analysis can be sought from FB, to use it effectively to generate online strategy on FB.

Amazon Kindle’s viability in India (Wharton Article)

14 Nov


A really informative article on Knowledge@WhartonIndia about the viability and market potential of Amazon Kindle’s entry into Indian Market caught my eye.

Post the launch of Kindle DX, which was much fanfare, it hasn’t gained much a momentum. Indian market doesn’t seem to have given an open arm to this new ebook Reader on the shelf.

"There is no plan to advertise the Kindle," says Laura Porco, director of Kindle Books, who was in Mumbai last month for the launch. "We will rely on word-of-mouth publicity."


But who is going to create a word of mouth. Indians are pretty stiff about talking good about something. On top of that, connectivity in India (on the fly) is not much to support Amazon’s vision of “download any book in 60 seconds”.

At a price of $350 it is really difficult for an Indian consumer (the regular 9-to-5) to imaging buying a tablet that only reads books and newspaper. The same price brings her a laptop, with many more features. At the same time, the biggest enabler to Kindle is connectivity, which will take much more time to make it possible for the “60 second download”.

For the full article jump here


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Amazon Kindle’s viability in India (Wharton Article)

7 Nov


A really informative article on Knowledge@WhartonIndia about the viability and market potential of Amazon Kindle’s entry into Indian Market caught my eye.

Post the launch of Kindle DX, which was much fanfare, it hasn’t gained much a momentum. Indian market doesn’t seem to have given an open arm to this new ebook Reader on the shelf.

"There is no plan to advertise the Kindle," says Laura Porco, director of Kindle Books, who was in Mumbai last month for the launch. "We will rely on word-of-mouth publicity."


But who is going to create a word of mouth. Indians are pretty stiff about talking good about something. On top of that, connectivity in India (on the fly) is not much to support Amazon’s vision of “download any book in 60 seconds”.

At a price of $350 it is really difficult for an Indian consumer (the regular 9-to-5) to imaging buying a tablet that only reads books and newspaper. The same price brings her a laptop, with many more features. At the same time, the biggest enabler to Kindle is connectivity, which will take much more time to make it possible for the “60 second download”.

For the full article jump here


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Before and After Internet

24 Oct

Here are two contrasting mind-maps on 5 different aspects of the world – Communication, Information, Business, Finance and People.

Before Internet



After Internet



I may have missed a couple of things. Please comment if there are points that can be added. I will update the mind-maps appropriately.


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